

Some time ago I found an old b&w photo of my grandmother, holding  the hands of two children - my mother and her sister. They were all standing in an endless winter field. That scene provoked me to do the painting, althought the figures I painted look more like aliens than normal people. I used high key -low color saturation to convey the sense of emptiness and bleak coldness. 

Ili Eve painting Kisseve art
Ili Eve "Trinity" 2010 acrylic on board


Fan Art of Diablo 3 Barbarian

Hey guys. Recently I made a fanart piece for an art contest ran by Blizzard, a video game company, where you had to portray a protagonist from their upcoming ARPG Diablo 3 (great games, check them out if you haven't already) I wanted to do some kind of fan art tribute to my favorite PC games for some time, and now seemed like the right moment.
I'm aware that my art style and "technique" isn't exactly what the gaming industry would consider to be prize winning material, not to mention that some of the guys that do fantasy and sci-fi stuff for a living are waaaay out of my league. What I'm trying to say here is that I did it for my own personal amusement.

Since the deadline was looming in, I had only three days to work on it, so I couldn't put all the little details and attain the polish that I wished, but that can be done later, so no worries on that front. Considering I never actually painted armor and stuff like that before, it turned out ok-ish in my opinion, or at least bearable.

When I get my preliminary drawings scanned, I'll go trough my thought process behind creating this work and talk in detail about it. I hope you like this (almost) finished piece!

I present you the female Barbarian.

KissEve art paintings


Our Art Shop

We are happy to announce that our new shop for art, art prints and paintings opened on etsy.com here is a link: http://www.etsy.com/shop/KissEveArt




Those are some portraits I've made. Most are done from the model in a couple of 6-8 hour sessions. My biggest influences in this genre would be Diego Velasquez and Frans Hals. Well, not that my works look like anything done by those great masters, I'd say they've influenced mostly what I think defines a good portrait and painting in general, and that's far more important than any techniques or secret methods, in my book.
So, here they are. Click on any of the images to see it in higher resolution.

Kisselkov oil painting art




Prof . Stanislav Pamukchiev

The little Monika

Jani in da club

                                                                  Copyright: Kisselkov


some drawings III

 These are my latest drawins, inspired by the spring

Ili Eve drawing, watercolour, paper
Ili Eve "Chayka"


Ili Eve - drawing, watercolor, paper
Ili Eve "Sun behind tree"


Ili Eve - drawing, watercolor, paper
Ili Eve "The birds"


Ili Eve drawing, watercolor, paper
Ili Eve "Winter"

Ili Eve "Weeping Willow", watercolor
Ili Eve "Weeping willow" II
 Ili Eve, Sunset, tree
Ili Eve "sunset"


some drawings II

Ili Eve drawing, ink, watercolor, paper

Ili Eve - "The Judge" 2011

Ili Eve drawing, ink, paper
                                                                  Ili Eve - "Josian" 2011                                                                                                                        

Ili Eve drawing, ink, watercolor, paper

Ili Eve - "Dea" 2011


Random thoughts on art and more

Today's entry will be comprised of random, personal opinions on visual arts and more. Stuff that doesn't fit anywhere else, but I'd like to share it anyway. So here goes, in random order and not related to each other.. (..or are they?)

Any piece of art, be it a painting, musical piece, vase or mural, doesn't need a message in order to be "relevant", it's reason to be is the sole fact of it's existence. For example, many of the greatest pieces of art are religiously themed. Being an atheist, that fails to connect with me the same way that it would with a religious person, but I can still find the work really good for many other reasons, objective or not. In this context, thoughts like "what did the author wanted to say with that?" or "yeah, this is pretty, but I can't see the meaning behind it" are just amusing brain exercise.

The main components of an image (composition, colour, pattern, structure, perspective, etc.) are what the image as a whole is. All the Social relevancy, symbols, hidden messages or naked ladies in the world can't make any difference, if the basics are messed up.

Intellectual jibberish that gets thrown around in the fine art world...Terms borrowed from philosophy, semiotic analysis, pompous and condescending behaviour and other such practices fully justify the "ivory tower" preconception of most people towards the "elite" art circles. The truth is, like in most cases, that it's only partially true. There are many nice, smart people with their feet firmly on the ground to be found even here, if you search carefully.

The professional artist is a schizo-like beast, extremely egocentric, and yet not taking himself completely serious. At the same time. % )

And to finish it off, one slightly metaphysical: In every honest work of art you feel an echo of the author's soul. An emotion maybe, or his zeitgeist, it is all there. That's why seeing, hearing, sensing or making art is so fulfilling endeavor, and that's why it is part of the human essence.


A Seizure

I made this painting as a part of my graduation at the National Academy Of Arts. It is inspired by the renaissance period portraits, where the model, dressed in his/ hers most splendid attire ( often times a rich person, only they could afford a portrait) is situated in front of a panoramic, idyllic landscape.

The inner tension is showing clearly in my expression, and the hands are convulsively clenched as if in a state of  hysteria. The serene backdrop with its vivid green fields and clear skies, by contrast heightens the overall feeling of lost balance, where one has lost his place in the world, and feels alone and different.

The full house

  This is a great house full of various creatures. At first you see only the facade with a closed windows, but if you try to open one of them you'll find a miniature world behind it. The windows are made of polymer clay, and they can be opened, they are attached to the canvas, creating 3D effect.
  Each of the 23 different windows open to tell it's own story.








some drawings

Thеse are my latest drawings.  I used acrylics, pen and ink.

The Smile

Homo, Ursus

The sea


